Passion Project
With a rebrand, we aimed to amplify the importance of the Hope Gala and its mission to generate support for life-saving cancer research and services.
American Cancer Society – Hope Gala
For our pitch, we envisioned an immersive experiential redesign of their website—a site that would let users become conductors of their own orchestra.
Louisville Orchestra
Determined to produce the best-tasting honey sourced from local bees, we wanted to create a brand that reflected the authenticity and simplicity of the product.
The Honey Factory
We imagined a modern restaurant with a clean aesthetic, serving up noodles, small plates, craft drinks, and hosting a farmer’s market on the weekends.
Gold House
Dead by Daylight was a passion project inspired by the love of gaming, Halloween, and all things horror shared by many members of our team.
Dead by Daylight
Guestbed was a passion project born out of a big idea: to create a service similar to rideshare but for hauling large items.