At Prolific Digital, we believe in using our creative expertise to make a difference, which is why we were honored to partner with the American…
American Cancer Society – Purses, Pouts, & Pearls
Prolific Digital partnered with Sugar Bakery, a new pastry and coffee shop in the Portland neighborhood of Louisville, to create a striking yet inviting brand…
Sugar Bakery
Altly is one of our very own innovative products, designed to make the internet a more accessible place for all.
With a rebrand, we aimed to amplify the importance of the Hope Gala and its mission to generate support for life-saving cancer research and services.
American Cancer Society – Hope Gala
We worked with Vibe Coffee to develop their full brand identity, messaging, and custom window artwork for their first location in 2013.
Vibe Coffee
Determined to produce the best-tasting honey sourced from local bees, we wanted to create a brand that reflected the authenticity and simplicity of the product.
The Honey Factory
We crafted a digital experience that mirrors their commitment to quality care, making it easier for patients to connect, learn, and take action.
Nicholson and Becht Orthodontics
We created a digital experience that would clearly convey SydCura’s value to both hospitals and communities, focusing on strategy, copy, design, and development.